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Hebei Construction Investment Group successfully issued a 1 billion yuan super short -term financing coupon interest rate.
Recent,Hebei Construction Investment Group has completed the issuance of two phases of ultra -short -term financing vouchers,A total of 1 billion yuan,Among them: the amount of 90 days of 90 days is 500 million yuan,Ticket surface interest rate 1.9%; the amount of 60 days of 60 days is 500 million yuan,Facial interest rate 1.89%,It is the first ultra -short -term distribution enterprise with an interest rate of less than 2%this year in the province。Since this year,The interest rate of the bond market shows a downward trend,Group companies seize the favorable distribution window,Issuing 10 to 15 -year ultra -long -term bonds,Optimized adjustment and adjusted the group's debt structure。In order to make up for short -term capital requirements,Reduce financing costs,The group company has formulated a 60 -day and 90 -day ultra -short -term integration issuance plan,combined with the recent capital width ...
Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Construction Investment Group、General Manager Cao Xin met with a member of the Party Committee of the State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company、Deputy General Manager Zhou Aiguo and his line
July 24,State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company Party Committee member、Deputy General Manager Zhou Aiguo and his party went to Hebei Construction Investment Group to investigate the power guarantee during the summer during the summer。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Construction Investment Group、General Manager Cao Xin attended the investigation talks。Zhou Aiguo briefly introduced the development of State Grid Hebei Electricity in recent years and achieved results,For Hebei Construction Investment Group、Investment Energy Actively Practice State -owned Social Responsibility,Fully guarantee the power supply of Hebei South China.,I hope to welcomes the critical period of the peak summer,Both sides can work together,Do your best to do a good job of energy insurance supply and service,Make sure the electricity is reliable。Cao Xin represents the river ...
Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Securities and Supervision Bureau、Director Tong Weihua went to Hebei Construction Investment bc.game poker Group to investigate and guide the work
July 23,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Hebei Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission、Director Tong Weihua and his party went to Hebei Construction Investment bc.game poker Group to investigate and guide the work。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Construction Investment Group、General Manager Cao Xin attended the investigation talks。Tong Weihua said in the investigation,Hebei Construction Investment Group is the leading enterprise of the state -owned asset system of Hebei Province,Energy of Building Investment in its underworld、Xintian Green Energy two listed companies have strong strength、Management specifications,is a model for Hebei state -owned asset -owned listed enterprises,Express full support for the development direction and future plan proposed by Hebei Construction Investment Group。He pointed out,Hebei Construction Investment Group and its enterprises must combine their own development level ...
Hebei Construction Investment Group Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center Group Special Learning of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party
July 22,Hebei Construction Investment Group Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center Group held the spiritual learning meeting of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group、Chairman Mi Dabin chaired the meeting,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group、General Manager Cao Xin,Members of other leadership team attended the meeting,Group departments、Enterprises are mainly responsible for comrades -in -chiravity conference。The conference specially learned the "Journal of the Third Public Conference of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China",Study and conveys the arrangement of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee's promotion and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party。 Mi Dibin requested that the heavy understanding of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party ...
Hebei Province Gas Safety Testing Center was unveiled and established
July 22,Hebei Gas Safety Testing Center was unveiled in Hebei Natural Gas。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Construction Investment Group、General Manager Cao Xin,Secretary of the Party Committee of Xintian Green Energy、President Tan Jianxin,Vice President of Xintian Green Energy and Secretary of Hebei Natural Gas Party Committee、Total Lu Yang and others participated in the unveiling ceremony。This testing center is guided by the Provincial Housing and Urban -Rural Development Department,It is a leak detection for urban and rural gas pipelines、Regular inspection of pressure pipeline、Intelligent monitoring device and platform promotion、Professional institutions for emergency disposal and other businesses,The test center is equipped with various testing equipment、Surgery equipment、Vehicle and other more than 400 sets,Have a variety of self -developed model equipment。...
Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Construction Investment Group、Chairman Mi Dibin met with the Deputy Secretary of the bc.game review 2024 Party Committee of Guoreng Sales Group、General Manager Yang Xigang and his line
July 16,Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei Construction Investment Group、Chairman Mi Dibin met with the Deputy Secretary of the bc.game review 2024 Party Committee of Guoreng Sales Group、General Manager Yang Xigang and his line。Deputy General Economic Division of the Group Corporation、General Manager of the Operation Management Department Bai Zhijun accompanied the meeting,National Sales Group Sales a one、Transfer Coordination Department、Logistics Management Department and Guoneng Sales Group North China Company Relevant responsible comrades participated in the discussion。Mi Dibin welcome Yang Xigang to visit,He said,Guoreng Sales Group has a long -term cooperation with Hebei CCT Group,Safety and stability guarantee for Hebei Jianjian coal,The two parties work closely、Sincere collaboration,jointly maintained the reliable and stable supply of electricity in Hebei area ...

Enterprise Dynamics

Enterprise Dynamics

涿 & & & ldquo; mobile business hall & rdquo; help residents' convenient payment
Recent,The staff of the service center of the high -tech zone service center of Jianzhou Construction Investment Investment Company innovative working method,launched & ldquo; mobile business hall & rdquo;。Deeper to the community to answer on -site、Transfer process、Signing of the water supply contract、One -stop all -round service with water appeal records,Provide a practical and feasible solution for the difficulty of paying for the elderly residents。A few days ago,Service Center when accurate data analysis of the revenue system,It is found that the remote transmission meter recovery rate of the residents of the residents of the House No. 6 of the Property Exploration Bureau is less than other courts。Visit the staff on the spot,Communicate with the property staff and find out,The resident structure here is more special,Most of them are the elderly,and very ...
Co -construction & ldquo; Love Station & RDQUO; Building & ldquo; Warm Heart Harbor & MDASH; & MDASH; rdquo; officially enable
In order to implement the party's 20th National Congress, insist on the distinctive orientation of the grassroots level,Deeply practicing General Secretary Xi Jinping & ldquo; centered on the people & rdquo; development thought,Caring and service outdoor workers,Under the guidance of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Nanda Port Industrial Park,Recent,Cangzhou's & ldquo; outdoor worker love station & rdquo; officially unveiled and enabled by Cangzhou。Love Station is established in the charging hall of Water Supply Company in Nanyang Port,To solve the difficulty facing outdoor workers of the bc.game casino Yucai community in Cangzhou City during work、Drinking water and other actual problems,The water dispenser is equipped inside the station、seat、Air conditioner、Love First -aid Medicine Box and other basic equipment。At the same time,The unit is still electronics ...
The first sewage equipment technology innovation of Cangzhou supply drainage company won the national patent
Recent,A practical new patent "A pre -processing device for the sampling pre -processing device for the biochemical pool of the sewage plant biochemical pool of the sewage plant" declared by Cangzhou's water supply company obtained the National Intellectual Property Office.,This patent is developed independently from the sewage treatment branch,It is the first technological innovation of the sewage treatment section based on the domesticization alternative strategic deployment and green low -carbon operation requirements of Cangzhou。Wish to know,Carbon source costs account for more than 60%of the cost of the entire sewage treatment agent,The nitrogen instrument located at the end of the biochemical pool is used as the accurate investment of the carbon source & ldquo;。but,Traditional control based on the total nitrogen -based nitrogen of the biochemical pool end ...
Langfang Qingquan Water Supply and Water Supply Co., Ltd. fully deployed flood prevention and supply work to ensure the safety of citizens' water safety
Positive & ldquo; 7 times and eight & rdquo; critical period of flood control,Extreme weather for extreme weather。Langfang Qingquan Water Supply and Water Supply Company actively take measures,Grasp the work in the flood during the flood period,Make every effort to ensure the safety of the city's civil water。 In terms of flood control supplies and equipment,Water production company has completed a comprehensive inspection of flood control equipment,and equipped with sufficient flood control materials。including life -saving equipment、Lighting equipment、Drainage equipment、Power generation equipment, etc.,It provides a strong guarantee for the emergency flood condition。Especially in important areas such as water collection and water supply pump room,Flood control sandbags,Effectively prevent stagnant water from entering the workshop,Make sure the safe operation of water supply facilities。In the emergency water supply guarantee capability side ...
Caofeidian Water Supply Company obtained another national patent
Recent,Caofeidian Water Supply Company's "Development and Application of Pipe Repairing One -Stop Swing Equipment" in the research technology project has bc.game live casino successfully obtained a national practical new patent,It marks that the project has made major breakthroughs。This project is independently developed by Caofeidian Water Supply Company Management Network,The project team starts from long -distance water pipeline concrete pipeline repair work actual departure,Through the summary and accumulation of years of construction experience,Research and analysis of the problems existing in the construction link of blocking agent,Determine the goal of optimizing improvement,Successful design and manufacturing one -stop grouting equipment,improved the entire feed、ingredients、Stir、Mechanized of the construction of the feeding irrigation、Automation ...
Construction Investment Engineering Company Xingtai Electrical Water Project Department Electrical Instrument Class was awarded the national health enterprise construction health team demonstration case
Recent,2023 National Health Enterprise Construction Characteristic Case Collection and Selection Campaign was announced by the Chinese Enterprise Federation and the Chinese Entrepreneurs Association.。The case of the health team of the Electrical Team of the Xingtai Electrical Water Project Department of the Construction Investment Engineering Company stood out from many participating cases,Demonstration cases for the national health enterprise construction health team。In recent years,The company's party committee and union have always regarded the construction of healthy enterprises as the core work:,Efficient leadership and carefully guide the health promotion activities of all subordinate units,It aims to improve the quality of life of employees in all directions。Not only focuses on optimizing employee health service infrastructure,I introduced psychological counseling、...

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Party work

Party Masses Work

Caofeidian Xintian LNG Co., Ltd.: Together with the same force to build a spiritual home
The construction of spiritual civilization is a powerful magnetic field that condenses the hearts,More strong quality、Exhibition style、An important project of the image。Caofeidian Xintian LNG Co., Ltd. All cadres and employees under the correct leadership of Xintian Company,firmly use the construction of spiritual civilization as a long -term task,Strong grasp。The spirit of all cadres and employees is new,Directors entrepreneurial passion is unprecedentedly rising。As of now,The construction of Tangshan LNG and external transmission pipeline bc.game casino projects steadily advanced,It is expected that the project will be completed after completion,In the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei area, 16.8 billion cubic natural gas supply,It will fully improve the natural gas emergency peak adjustment and supply guarantee capabilities in the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei region。...
Singing the soul and the party away,Solidarity Struggle New Sacrifice Jianjun Urbanization Company continuously promotes theme education to go deeply
In -depth implementation of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Comprehensively study, propagate and implement the party's 20th spirit,Building Investment Urbanization Company combined with annual work arrangements,Opportunity to learn and implement Xi Jinping's theme of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Strongly carry out a series of activities,Constantly improving the combat effectiveness of grass -roots party organizations,Ensure that party history learning and education is implemented。 a、Pay high attention to thorough deployment,Concentration of Jianxin Join the Development in accordance with the notification requirements issued by the higher party committee,Jianjun Urbanization Company attaches great importance to,Hold a special meeting for the first time to arrange deployment,The meeting requires the majority of party members to raise political standing、Deepen thought ...
Turning "Drum Bell" to "Dumbbell" to do a good job of CCon Energy Disciplinary Examination "The second half of the article"
To further deepen the work of anti -corruption of energy sources,Combined with the relevant requirements of the construction of disciplinary inspection and supervision and disciplinary inspection and supervision teams in the new era and new situation,The CCP Energy Discipline Inspection Commission is doing a good job of disciplinary review & ldquo; in the second half of the article & rdquo;。Investment Energy Company has a wide range of regional distribution,Many staff,The characteristics of wide business coverage,From the various cases that have occurred and investigated in recent years, the construction investment energy systems,Do a good job of disciplinary review & ldquo; The second half of the article & rdquo;,It is also a direct manifestation of anti -corruption work & ldquo; cure combination & rdquo; maximum performance,For the establishment of investment ...
The Yangquan thermal Electric Company Project officially resumes the production after the Spring Festival
February 9,Yangquan Thermal Electric Company held a start -up and re -production launch meeting。The person bc game sportsbook review in charge of the supervision unit and the total contract unit made a statement,It will be safe、Guarantee、Complete the annual milestone plan on schedule;、Safety inspection、The implementation of the safety responsibility system for all staff and the recent key safety work have been carefully arranged and deployed。Deputy General Manager of Yangquan Thermal Electric Company Lu Xueqian on behalf of the company put forward earnest expectations,I hope that the participating units and all the builders will be in construction,Ensure personal safety,Guarantee project safety,Continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work,Gathering Power,Efforts to complete the project's annual investment ...
Nine Highlights help Shahe Power Generation Company High -quality Development
2022,Shahe Power Generation Company Facing the epidemic prevention and control、Unit maintenance、Electricity Guarantee、Key work such as technological innovation,Actively implement the company's decision -making deployment,Scientific Plan、Coordinating and taking into account,Decisively implement a series of conventional、Breakthrough work measures,Go all out to grasp safety、Power protection、Coal control,Complete the work tasks of annual safety production in the best way。The company is safe、Environmental Protection,Focus on key difficulties and tasks,Continuous upgrade for environmental protection control、Coal price soaring、Deep peak adjustment normalization and other unfavorable situations,Do a solid & ldquo; dual control & rdquo; system construction、Steady promotion of 7S production civilization governance、Strengthen defective reliability management、excellent ...