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Singing the soul and the party away,Solidarity Struggle New Julu Urbanization Company continuously promotes theme education and goes deeply

    In -depth implementation of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Comprehensively study, propagate and implement the spirit of the 20th spirit of the party,Jianjun Urbanization Company combined with annual work arrangements,Opportunities for learning and implementing Xi Jinping's theme of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Strongly carry out a series of activities,Constantly improving the combat effectiveness of grass -roots party organizations,Ensure that party history learning and education is implemented。

    1. Attach great importance to the deployment of the secrets, and condense the development

    According to the notification requirements issued by the party committee of the superior,Building bc.game app an investment urbanization company attaches great importance to,Hold a special meeting for the first time to arrange deployment,MeetingRequire party members to improve political standing、Deepen the ideological understanding,Effectively enhance the political consciousness and action consciousness of the theme education; deeply understand the significance of theme education,firmly grasped "Learning Thought、Strong Party Sex、Re -practice、Building New Gong "general requirements,In -depth Intective Instant General Secretary Jinping's important instruction spirit,Combining the theme education with the company's key tasks,Adhere to the goal leadership and problem -oriented,Application to use,Promoting to promote it; give full play to the role of vanguard,Focus on improving the consciousness of creating first -first -first competition,Really transforming learning results into firm ideals and beliefs、Strengthening the cultivation of party spirit、Do your job well、The vivid practice of promoting the development of the company,It helps bc.game casino the company's high -quality development with strong measures; carefully deployed,Precise implementation,Theme education should be used as an important political task for the present and in the future,Make sure the theme education specifications or order、Strike、Get results。

    2. Multiple measures to organize it carefully and take the responsibility as a heavy implementation

    (1) Firm ideals and beliefs, carry out special party courses

In -depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought theme education,It is a major measure to implement the 20th spirit of the party。In order to further strengthen the construction of learning party organizations and party members,Company Party Committee Secretary、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Company、Company 1、The secretary of the two branches of the branch all submits the title,The main purpose is "Learning and Implementing Xi Jinping's Thoughts of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era",For all party members of the company, every vivid party lesson。The party class is closely bc.game review 2024 related to the company's actual,Guide all party members to talk about party spirit、Make an example,constantly strengthening ideals and beliefs,Continue to strengthen the party's innovation theory armed forces,Improving the ability to learn and practice,Effectively transforming theme education learning results into specific ideas and measures for promoting work,Effectively solve the actual problems and problems that plagued the development of the company。

    7month 14,Carry out the theme party day activity of "Inheriting the Red Gene" and the special party class activities of the party committee secretary。All party members and cadres and new party members,Under the leadership of the party committee of the company, under the leadership of the party flag, enter the party's oath,Further enhanced party members' awareness and pioneer consciousness。During the special party class of the special party class,The secretary of the party committee with "The majestic and powerful power of the new journey is",Strive to do it really,Make every effort to promote the establishment of a new type of urbanization with Chinese characteristics bc.game poker ".。A total of 110 party members in the party branch of the enterprise affiliated,Fully take the lead to lead the full coverage of high -quality development and promote theme education。

    (2) Carry out the red reading and reading activity of "Song of the Party and Casting Loyalty"

    According to the company's development and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology, the theme education arrangement,Topic theme of learning and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Organize red reading "Read a Book of Books" and solicit reading experience activities,The original text and exchange discussion of "Xi Jinping's New Era Socialist Thought Special Topics" and "Selected Reading of Xi Jinping",Guide all party members to combine reading with work,In -depth List of General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest important speech spirit,Perform the essence of thought。Really draw wisdom from the book、Armed mind,Master the ideological methods and working methods contained in it,Stimulation while using theoretical knowledge guidance practice,Pay attention to improving the theoretical system in practice,Continuous bc.game progress in learning。

   (3) Carry out the "Party's Twenty and theme Education Knowledge Answers" activity

    The company always adheres to the "learning to cast soul、Learn to increase wisdom、Learn to righteousness、Learn to promote dry ",The theoretical learning as the fundamental prerequisite and the top priority of the preliminary work of the theme education,Persist in Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to cast the soul,Continuously strengthening the problem orientation in theoretical learning、Practical orientation、Requirements Guide。To further promote theme education and go deeply,Create a strong atmosphere of learning to catch up,All employees of the company's organization headquarters carry out the 20th National Congress of the Party and theme education knowledge answers。The content of the answer should be known to the theme education、The 20 major reports of the party are mainly knowledge,It aims to test the theme education phase learning results,Further inspire all employees to promote the initiative,Effectively transform the learning bc.game casino effectiveness into a working motivation for promoting development,Provide scientific guidance for the theme education to implement the implementation。

    Through the development of "Casting the Soul of the Soul and the Party,New Journey of Unity Struggle "series of activities,Further firmly strengthened all employees' confidence and beliefs guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Enhanced the party's party spirit and consciousness of party members,Improving the cohesion of the party organization and the heart force。At the same time,These activities have also inspired the active initiative of each party member。Future,The company will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Continue unity and struggle,Combined with the annual work arrangement,Guide all party members to move forward in the new journey,Contribute to the company's achieve high -quality development。

(Confer Manuscript of Ye Yihui, a urbanization company in Jiaotu)