Caofeidian Xintian LNG Co., Ltd.: Together with the heart and build spiritual homes
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2023-10-29 casino review the construction of spiritual civilization is a powerful magnetic field that condenses the hearts,It is even more strong、Exhibition style、An important project of the image。Caofeidian Xintian LPG Co., Ltd. All cadres and employees under the correct leadership of the Xintian Company,firmly use the construction of spiritual civilization as a long -term task,Strong grasp。The spiritual style of all cadres and employees is new,Directors' entrepreneurial casino passion is unprecedentedly high。As of now,The construction of Tangshan LNG and external transmission pipeline projects steadily advanced,It is expected that the project is fully completed,In the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei area, 16.8 billion cubic natural gas supply,It will fully improve the natural gas emergency peak adjustment and supply guarantee capabilities of the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei region。 casino 1. Highlight the leadership of the party building and create a spiritual high ground

Party building is an important driving force for casino review the construction of spiritual civilization。Caofeidian Company insisted on guiding the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping,Take the result of consolidating and enhancing the creation of civilized units,Taking party members and cadres as a livelihood army,Using the "Party Construction+New Era Civilization Practice" mode as a booster,During the construction of spiritual civilization,With the party building with group construction,Bring the masses with party members,Carry out "Learning the History of the Party"、"March 8" International Women's Day Series Activities and other theme activities,Constantly carry forward the role of group organization radiation。

At the same time,The company also takes party history learning and education as the starting point,Actively guide employees to read red educational readings,Organize patriotism education、Warning education、red theme and other movie viewing activities,and fully draw excellent nutrients in the event,Unified Thought、Concentration consensus,Promote casino review the construction of spiritual civilization to a new level!

2. Stimulate internal vitality and strive to create high -quality projects

Create a civilized construction site、Promoting civilized construction and civilized operations is to ensure poker safe construction、Establish the basic work of the good image of the enterprise。Caofeidian Company is committed to creating a high -quality construction environment,Surrounding safety、Civilized construction and promotion project construction,Take the following measures。

Improve and perfect various security management accounts,Strengthening security management software data work,Including: safety responsibility system、Safety Education、Construction Organization Design、Division (item) Engineering safety technology base、Special operation certificate to work、Safety inspection, etc.; Beautify the "factory appearance and factory appearance",Reasonable and orderly distribution site area,Set the eye -catching safety logo,Relaxed construction materials,and regularly clean up on -site garbage in accordance with the requirements of green environmental protection; implement a normalized epidemic poker prevention and control,Organize personnel flow investigation as required、Epidemium prevention and control data statistics report、Discovery of epidemic prevention and control information、Nucleic acid detection and other tasks。

    Three, do not forget the original mission, practice social public welfare

Public welfare services are passing love、An important way to spread civilization。For a long time,Caofeidian Company while realizing the high -quality development of the enterprise,Constantly improve and perfect normalization、Long -term social responsibility performance mechanism,Actively assume social responsibility,Work hard to give back to society、Community and environment,Student at the "cold" door at the love warmth、Caring for the elderly live alone、Helping the prevention and control of the epidemic shows that the new heaven is not afraid of suffering、Not fearful,The more arduous the youthful style, the casino review more difficult it is to move forward,Let "LNG Red" shine on the front line of social welfare,Continuously write the new responsibility and responsibility of Xintianren!

4. Give full play to the power of the example and consolidate the spiritual monument

Civilization is Table,Spirit is the soul。Caofeidian Company combined with party history learning and education,Innovate the "Spiritual Civilization Project",Pay attention to typical demonstration、Positive leading,Deepen various types of examples,Promote the formation of advocating model、Learn advanced value -oriented,Let innovation accompaniment、Honor often follow、Dynamic often gather,Let the "Xintian" spiritual monument be widely inherited on each employee of Caofeidian Company。

5. Promote the new style of civilization, bloom the time of the times

The flower of civilization is blooming,Fresh wind blows Man Tingfang。In recent years,The company casino review takes "New Era and New Heavenly Man" as the fashion,Actively organize a football friendly match、Government -Enterprise Basketball Tournament and Walking Walk,Not only shows the spiritual style of the company's employees' unity and hard work,It has also enhanced friendly communication with other units,Promote a good cycle。

All cadres and employees of Caofeidian Company will continue to be created by civilized units,Gift 20 Congress,For the new era,With a fuller energy、better invest in work,constantly open up the spiritual home of the new heavenly people!

(Caofeidian Xintian LNG Co., Ltd. Wang Taoran)