bc.game poker Xinji Construction Investment Water Co., Ltd. organizes the promotion of water conservation
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-05-21

5From 11th to 17th, it is 2024 The National Urban Survival Publicity Week。To effectively improve the awareness of water saving of the general public,Help the implementation of water -saving operations,Promoting resource saving and green development,Recent,bc.game poker Xinji Construction Investment Water Co., Ltd. organized "Promoting City Water Conservation,Build a beautiful city "theme water saving promotion activity。

In the event,Set the water -saving promotional exhibition board、banner slogans and distribution of water -saving knowledge brochures and other forms,Publicity to citizens and publicized bc.game review 2024 the "Regulations for Survating Water" and "Civil Specifications for Citizen Water Use",Introduce the meaning of saving water、Daily water -saving knowledge,Guide citizens to practice water -saving responsibility。In the event,Citizen actively consults questions,Company employees patiently answer publicity,Promotional effects are significant。

bc.game app Through this promotional activity,I promoted the importance of saving water to the general public,Effective enhanced the citizens' awareness and responsibility for saving water。At the same time,The company's employees have also practiced the corporate mission of Xinji Jianjian Investment Water Company "Ji Chu Xinxin to serve the people's advantages of the people"bc.game ,Performing the "Ji Gao Molying,The social responsibility of righteousness and the people。

(Xinji Jianjin Investment Water Company Cao Jin confession)