Research achievements casino review of construction investment financial companies will be awarded by Hebei Financial Society
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-05-14

Recent,The "2023 Key Research Project" selection results organized by the Hebei Financial Society were announced,The "Exploration of the Financial Support System with the Cost of Green Electricity Costs as a means of reducing the cost of reducing the poker cost of green power",Strict review,won the second prize。This is the first prize after the research topic casino review of construction investment Finance Company in 2022,Once again won the key research project award of the Hebei Financial Society。

Hebei Financial Society is a professional academic institution under the leadership of the Shijiazhuang Center Sub -branch of the People' live casino s Bank of China,Project research organized by the organization for commercial banks、Non -silver financial institutions、major universities and other related units,represents the highest level of academic research in the financial field in Hebei Province。

Since its establishment,Construction Investment Finance Company actively undertake various research work,Company leaders take the lead casino in participating in the survey,Grab policy opportunities、Rich Financial Products、Optimize resource allocation、Make a series of in -depth research and bold attempts to improve operating efficiency and other aspects。Active interaction of theoretical innovation and practical application,formed a number of valuable research results,To promote the high -quality live casino development of the company and the group system、Deepening the combination of production and finance provides useful theoretical basis and practical reference。

                                                                                             (Conferring in Meng Lingqi, CCon Financial Company)