Unpaid blood donation Disposal State -owned Enterprise Gathering & MDASH; & Mdash;
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-05-14

bc.game poker Recent,The Office of the Blood donation leadership group of Caofeidian District, Tangshan City organized the work of 2024 unpaid blood donation work,Caofeidian Water Supply Company actively responds to the government's call,Pay attention to,Layer launch,In -depth promotion of public welfare cause of free blood donation,Transfer positive energy,Demonstrate corporate responsibility。

5March 8th,The "Blood Donation Team" composed of 18 voluntary bc.game casino blood donation employees and obligations from Caofeidian Water Supply Company came to the blood collection site of the Xincheng Hospital of Caofeidian District。Employees who come to donate blood consciously queue,Fill in the blood donation registration form in an orderly manner under the guidance of medical staff and obligations,Actively cooperate with the staff to conduct a preliminary screening test、Collect blood sample。Employees that meet the condition of blood donation bc.game poker enter the blood donation area in turn,Patient listening to the staff to explain the common sense and precautions of blood donation,Sweet blood donation。

In the blood donation team,Both party members and cadres,There are also ordinary employees; new faces with both blood donation for the first time,There are "blood donation masters" who have persisted for a long time。A bag of blood full of temperature converge into warm power,Constellation of the blood donor,One bc.game review 2024 sheet blood donation certificate,Demonstration of dedication。They interpret "everyone is me with practical actions,I love the spirit of love for everyone,Contribute to the society。

tricky flow transmission true love,Blood blood warm people's heart。As a state -owned enterprise,Caofeidian Water Supply Company further practiced the "colorful first heart" party building brand,While actively fulfilling political and economic responsibilities,Do not bc.game casino forget social responsibility,Actively participate in public welfare undertakings,Highlight responsibility。This blood donation activity,Not only shows the "water supply" heart -based society、The noble feelings of selfless dedication,It will also drive more employees to participate in public welfare activities,Forms a bit of cohesion in the company、A good atmosphere of the warmth of society。

(Caofeidian Water Supply Company Liu Xiaoyu Supply Draft)