Hebei Construction Investment Group Party discipline education and education and reading class
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2024-05-13

    5month 13,Hebei Construction Investment Group Party discipline education and education and reading class,The Party Committee Secretary of the Group、Chairman Mi Dibin presided over the opening of the class and made a counseling report。Member of the Group Leaders,Group full -time external directors,All departments of the group's headquarters、The main responsible comrades of the direct management company participated in the opening class at the main venue,Other middle -level managers of the group headquarters、Members of other teams of direct bc.game management companies、Members of the leadership team of important third -level company participated in the opening class at the video branch。

    Mi Dibin pointed out,This party discipline study education,It is a major decision -making deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core,It is resolutely safeguarding the unity of the party、firmly advancing the comprehensive and strict governance of the party、A powerful measures for the loyalty and cleaning of the team with the party discipline,is the decisive significance of deep understanding of the "two establishment"、Resolutely achieve the inevitable requirements of "two maintenance",It is a realistic need for the group to promote high -quality development。

    Mi Dibin conveyed and learned that General Secretary Xi Jinping made important speeches on the development of party discipline learning and education、Make an important instruction instruction。conveyed the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee on the development of bc.game app party discipline and education。Summary of the effectiveness of party discipline and education in the previous stage。

    bc.game live casino Comprehensively understand the connotation and practical requirements of the Regulations.To make full use of the learning opportunity of this reading class,Grasp the focus of learning,Original book、Learn the Regulations on Article "Regulations",Accurately grasp its main purpose and requirements,Further clarify the measurement ruler of daily words and deeds,Comprehensively and accurately grasp the main point of meaning and requirements of the main purpose of "six disciplines",Use party rules and party discipline correction thoughts and actions,Learn to understand、One unity of knowledge and action。

Mi Dabin emphasized,We must adhere to the problem -oriented and inadequate problems and deficiencies。Focus on the outstanding problems pointed out by General Secretary Xi Jinping,In the "Regulations" one by one, a one -one -to -check,To truly understand what the party’s discipline is,What can I do to understand、bc.game review 2024 What can't I do,Strengthen self -constraint、Improve immunity,Consciously engraving the rules and regulations in the heart,Internalization into daily use of words and deeds,Really transform discipline and rules into political consciousness、Action Consciousness、Action Consciousness,Effectively enhance political fixed force、Morality、Morality、Resisting the decision,Always be loyal and clean。

Mi Dibin Requirement,It is necessary to integrate party discipline learning and education into daily life、Grab in frequent。It is necessary to integrate party discipline learning and education into daily life,Use party discipline correction thoughts and actions,The process of truly learning party discipline has become a consciousness of enhanced discipline、The process of improving the cultivation of party spirit; we must actively explore the effective ways of party discipline propaganda and education in accordance with the conditions of the times,Enhance its appeal and appeal; strengthen warning education,Let party members、bc.game poker Wake up the cadre police、Ming bottom line、Awewed,Urgent party members、Cadres consciously internalize discipline requirements、Externalization of Xingxing。

Mi Dabin emphasized,To consolidate and expand theme educational results,Pay attention to the actual effectiveness of the party discipline learning and education of the group system。To consolidate and expand theme educational achievements as an important content of this reading class,Organize party members and cadres to carefully study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the reform and development of state -owned enterprises and party building; focus on the goal tasks of party discipline learning and education,Pay attention to effectiveness、Increase the quality of quality; to carry out party discipline learning and education,Strengthen the understanding of the "Regulations" for party members and cadres,Constantly improving political judgment、Political understanding、Political Execution,Enhance the ability to refuse corruption and prevent corruption;WantPersist in two hands、Two Promotion,The implementation of party discipline learning and education and the implementation of the decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government、Promote the Group's high -quality development combination,The target task determined by the Second Plenary Session of the Group of the Party Committee of the Group and the annual work conference of the group company,Careful investment development、Capital operation、Deepen reform、Business Management、Technology Innovation、Safety production、Engineering construction and other aspects of work,Effectively transforming the motivation of party discipline learning and education into the actual effectiveness of promoting the high -quality development of enterprises。

Mi Dibin Requirement,To give full play to the "key minority" role of leading cadres,Take the lead in learning discipline punishment regulations,At the same time, it is necessary to organize all party members、The theme party day and other bc.game casino serious study of discipline punishment regulations,To implement the integration of bc.game app party discipline and education into daily、Grab in frequent requirements,Learn to learn、Studies、Learning,True the discipline and rules of the party into the brain、Enter the heart、Journey,Effectively promoting party discipline learning and education deeply。

(Supply of the Party and Mass Work Department of the Group)