Enterprise logo
Source: Hebei Construction Investment Group Time: 2015-03-13


Hebei Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.

The logo consists of a circular shape of a peripheral rules and the three irregular graphics inside。

The identifier is surrounded by the rules of the rules,reflected the group company bc.game casino as a state -owned enterprise,In the Provincial Party Committee、Under the guidance of the provincial government,According to national policy,Follow the laws of the market,Speaking science,Retribute specifications,Develop in the right direction。

Three irregular graphics inside the logo,Diversity bc.game casino of investment directions on behalf of the group company、Diversified。There is a certain distance between the graphics indicating that the investment direction and investment project of the enterprise、There is a lot of room for development in capital operation,It will get bigger and bigger like a snowball。

Surrounding irregular bc.game casino graphics with circles,Reflecting the close unity of the group company,Gathering Power,Harmonious development,Happy Future。

The logo is red as the main color。First,Red is the color of the flag,Representative Group Corporation bc.game casino as a state -owned enterprise,Always hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,bc.game Politics,Gu Tan,Responsibility。Next,Red represents vitality、Passion、Forging,Symbol group company innovation and aggressive、Flexible and efficient、Rich development。

The overall design is dignified and beautiful,Simple atmosphere,Changes,Rich meaning。