International Tower Hotel was rated“Influence bc game app Annual Outstanding Enterprises”
Source: Hebei Construction Investment bc game app Time: 2024-04-15

4Month 10th,“Salute 2023,Set Sail 2024,Influential bc game app Economic Figures and Entrepreneurs Forum and Annual Economic Figures Awards Ceremony" were held in bc game app, Hebei,International Building Hotel won the title of "Outstanding Enterprise Influencing bc game app of the Year",Hotel Party Committee Secretary、Chairman Fan Linsheng won the "Economic Figure Influencing bc game app 2023"。

This selection is conducted by the Shijiazhuang Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Jointly organized by Shijiazhuang Industry and Information Technology Bureau and Shijiazhuang Chamber of Commerce,is aimed at making outstanding contributions to the economic construction of Shijiazhuang City in 2023、Achieve outstanding performance、A typical exhibition event for bc game app era enterprises and entrepreneurs that embodies the spirit of the times。

2023Year,International Building thoroughly implements the spirit of the instructions of “developing bc game app productive forces” put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping,Adhere to innovation-led,Take total factor productivity improvement as the core,Accelerate the transformation of enterprise development methods,Form a business model that conforms to the bc game app development concept。At the same time,Actively explore the organic integration of bc game app technology applications in the industry with traditional craftsmanship,Focus on the cultivation and introduction of bc game app technology talents,Vigorously develop mixed ownership economy,Building bc game app production relations,Release corporate efficiency and vitality。Taking "Six Management" as the starting point,Strengthening management and improvement in all aspects,Strive to create high-quality products,Create a high-satisfaction customer reputation,Continuously achieve leapfrog development。

International Building will continue to strengthen its own construction,Continue to delve into the hotel industry,Give full play to the leading role of bc game app productivity in enterprise development,Promote all aspects of hotel work to a bc game app level,Achieve bc game app development,Write a bc game app chapter。

(Contributed by International Tower Hotel)