2On March 9, Yangquan bc game casino held a kick-off meeting for resumption of work and production.
The heads of the supervision unit and the general contracting unit made statements,Indicates it will be safe、Guaranteed quality、Complete annual milestone plan on schedule;Ren Lianhai, deputy chief engineer of Yangquan Thermal Power, provides safety education on resumption of bc game casino、Security Check、The implementation of the safety responsibility system for all employees and the recent key safety bc game casino have been carefully arranged and deployed。
Lu Xueqian, deputy general manager of Yangquan bc game casino, expressed ardent expectations for everyone on behalf of the company,Hope that all participating units and all builders are under construction,Ensure personal safety,Ensure project safety,Continue to carry forward the spirit of hard bc game casino,Gather your strength,Strive to complete the annual production target of the project。
(Contributed by Wang Wei of Yangquan bc game casino)